DESCRIPTION: This Dress Up Set comes with a beautiful handmade necklace and bracelet for kids to play dress up! Perfect for a stocking stuffer or a gift for a child in your life.
- Each necklace is handmade with hand-rolled paper beads of various colors and strung together
- Each bracelet is made with hand-rolled paper beads of various pinks/purples with elastic and tiny beads as accents
IMPACT: Made with love in Kenya ♥ Handcrafted by artisans with Grain of Rice Project, a non-profit ministry that empowers artists and children living in the Kibera slum with the love of Christ by helping them become self-sufficient through employment, education, and skills training. Kibera is the largest slum in East Africa with more than 235,000 people living in a single square mile. Life in Kibera is difficult with no running water, open sewage and many surviving on less than $1 a day. Grain of Rice Project works to provide opportunities to people in Kibera to help them overcome some of their hardships. They strive to do small things to empower people that will add up to make a big difference in their lives and will in turn spill over and make a difference in the lives of others around them.
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